Farm to Fork
Food Processor Solutions
Real time condition monitored track and trace capabilities and analytics for sensitive products from farm to fork.
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Farm to Fork

Complete | End-to-End | Connected
Digitize your Products
Digitize Your Business

The digital life of a product can start at the Food Processor. We have solutions to uniquely enable traceability to conform with additional FSMA 204 /HACCP record keeping. Digitize your products in the cloud for monitoring throughout your distribution chain from Farm to Fork.

farm to fork digitized
Track & Trace

Your ecosystem of suppliers and customers can be enabled through GS1 standards to exchange product chain of custody information while providing forward and backward traceability of data in real time. Critical Tracking Events and Key Data Elements are configured for your products and supply chain. Data is secured so trading partners can only see their relevant data while blockchains can be enabled.

Farm to Fork Track and Trace

1 Stop Cycle, Tmp: 70 degrees F, Set: 72 degrees F

Inventory & Stock Management

Inventory visibility inside the four walls of your warehouse or distribution facility along with the inventory on your dock is vital to daily processes and operations. RFID and other IoT technologies enables this visibility ensuring your ROI.

farm to fork storage
Condition Monitoring
Food Quality

We can monitor the condition of your product within your facility and across your supply chain with various IoT technologies along with non digital sensors ensuring food freshness.

farm to fork monitoring
Data Analytics

Digitization of your products and supply chain opens the door to a wealth of data analysis and insights.  Data is provided for visualization with actionable notifications and alerts as your product navigates through your supply chain from farm to fork.

farm to fork tablet showing analytics
Consumer Experience

Utilizing a basic smart phone, enable consumers to connect with their brands by providing them specific information such as product authenticity, provenance along with traceability data. Furthermore engage and excite your consumers with promotions, recipes and other rich content by simply scanning a QR code or tapping a NFC tag.

scan to listen to an audio clipScan to go to the contact us page

mobile phone showing consumer using QR code
Provenance & Traceability

We can write immutable key data elements for all critical tracking events across your trusted partners in your supply chain. PLM TrustLink® with blockchain enables seamless data flow from disparate systems across your supply chain, from farm to fork.
